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See below.

Pushing Characters

In the next stage, characters from the character buffer are pushed one by one onto the stack. The first instruction (at pushl:) uses indexed addressing to load the current character from the buffer (str:) into the least significant byte of $t0.

Next, the current character is tested. If it is null (zero) then control branches out of the loop. Otherwise the character is pushed onto the stack. Then the process is repeated.

# Reverse and output a user-supplied string
# Settings: Load delays OFF; Branch delays OFF,
#           Trap file    ON; Pseudoinstructions ON   
# $t0 --- character pushed or popped
# $t1 --- index into string buffer str

        .globl  main

main:   #input the string
        li      $v0,8          # service code
        la      $a0,str        # address of buffer
        li      $a1,128        # buffer length 
        li      $t0,0          # push a null 
        subu    $sp,$sp,4      # onto the stack
        sw      $t0,($sp)      # to signal its bottom
        li      $t1,0          # index of first char in str buffer
        # push each character onto the stack
        lbu     $t0,str($t1)   # get current char into
                               # a full word
             $t0,stend    # null byte: end of string
        subu    $sp,$sp,4      # push the full word
              $t0,($sp)   # holding the char
        addu    $t1,1          # inc the index
        j                 # loop

        . . . . .

        # pop chars from stack back into the buffer

        # print the reversed string
str:    .space  128            # character buffer 


Fill in the blanks.

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