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        .globl  main
        # input the string

        # push each character onto the stack

        # pop chars from stack back into the buffer

        # print the reversed string

str:    .space  128     # character buffer            

First Section

The stack pointer is initialized by the operating system before it passes control to the program. (In our case, the stack pointer is initialized by SPIM.)

The first section of the program reads a line from the terminal in the usual way. To shorten the program, there is no user prompt.

Next, null is pushed onto the stack. Later on, the stack will be popped until this null is encountered.

# Reverse and output a user-supplied string
# Settings: Load delays OFF; Branch delays OFF,
#           Trap file    ON; Pseudoinstructions ON   
# $t0 --- character pushed or popped
# $t1 --- index into string buffer str

        .globl  main

main:   #input the string
        li      $v0,8          # service code
        la      $a0,str        # address of buffer
        li      $a1,128        # buffer length 
                               # initialize the stack:        
        li      $t0,      # push a null
             $sp,$sp,4    # onto the stack
        sw      $t0,( )   # to signal its bottom
        li      $t1,0          # index of first char in str buffer

        # push each character onto the stack

        # pop chars from stack back into the buffer

        # print the reversed string

str:    .space  128            # character buffer            


Fill in the blanks of the program.

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