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Yes. It makes no difference where the memory for the object came from.

Read Method

The read() method, like the print() method, is called with the address of the object in $a0 as a parameter.

Since $a0 is needed by syscall, its value must be saved upon entry to the method.

Later in the code the base address of the object is used to calculate the location of the string in the object. The jump table has two 4-byte addresses in it, so 8 is added to the base address.

Our objects are fixed-sized, with a 24 byte buffer. The read string service is given the buffer size as one of its parameters.

# read() method
# Parameter: $a0 == address of the object
          move     $s1,$a0            # save object's address
          li       $v0,4              # print string service
          la       $a0,prompt         # address of object's string
          syscall                     # 
          addiu    $a0,$s1,8          # $a0 = address of buffer
                                      #       in object
          li       $a1,24             # $a1 = size of buffer
          li       $v0,8              # read string service
          jr       $ra                # return to caller

prompt:   .asciiz  "enter data > "


Say that you wanted the objects to hold strings of any size. How could this be done? (Hint: think about the previous chapter.)

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