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When a method is called, it is given the address of the object.

Implementation of cancel()

Here is cancel().

At the beginning of the code access to the object's data is done by using the address in $a0.

# cancel() method
# Parameter: $a0 == address of the object
# Registers:
# $t0 == address of the char in the string
# $t1 == char from the string
# $t2 == 'x'

          addiu    $t0,$a0,8       # the string starts 8 bytes
                                   # from the start of the object
          li       $t2,'x'         # replacement character                             
          lb       $t1,0($t0)      # get first ch of string
loop:     beqz     $t1,done        # while ( ch != '\0' )
          sb       $t2,0($t0)      #   replace ch with 'x'
          addiu    $t0,$t0,1       #
          lb       $t1,0($t0)      #   get next ch
          b        loop            # end while     
          jr       $ra             # return to caller


Do an object's methods know how many other objects have been declared in the program?

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