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          lw      $t0,sub1add   # get the first entry point in the Jump Table
          jalr    $t0           # pass control to sub1
          li      $v0,10        # return to OS

sub1add:  .word sub1            # Jump Table
sub2add:  .word sub2

Complete, Impractical, Program

Confusion Alert: the instruction used to load $t0 with the entry point to sub1 is lw $t0,sub1add .

We want $t0 to get what is stored in the location sub1add, which is what a lw instruction does.

If you tried la $t0,sub1add then $t0 would get the address that sub1add stands for not the address stored in that location.

Here is the full program. main calls the two subroutines. This is a contrived example that shows a jump table and a jalr instruction. It is not a sensible way to write a "Hello World" program.

          .globl   main
          lw       $t0,sub1add        # get first entry point
          jalr     $t0                # pass control
          lw       $t0,sub2add        # get second entry point
          jalr     $t0                # pass control
          li      $v0,10              # return to OS
Hello World

sub1add:  .word sub1                  # Jump Table
sub2add:  .word sub2

sub1:     li       $v0,4
          la       $a0,messH
          jr       $ra
messH:    .asciiz  "Hello "

sub2:     li       $v0,4
          la       $a0,messW
          jr       $ra
messW:    .asciiz  "World\n"


How many bytes are in each entry in the Jump Table?

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