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See Below.

Complete mysub()

Here is the complete subroutine. Notice that the code in the body of the subroutine is only five statements long. But the entire subroutine, including the code for subroutine linkage, is 22 statements long! Subroutine linkage can be expensive.

#  int mysub( int arg )
#  {
#    int b,c;                     // b: 0($fp)
#                                 // c: 4($fp)
#    b = arg*2;
#    c = b + 7;
#    return c;  
#  }
         .globl  mysub
                                  # prolog        
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        #   1. Push return address
         sw      $ra,($sp)
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        #   2. Push caller's frame pointer
         sw      $fp,($sp)
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        #   3. Push register $s1
         sw      $s1,($sp)
         sub     $fp,$sp,8        #   4. $fp = $sp - space_for_variables
         move    $sp,$fp          #   5. $sp = $fp
                                  # body of subroutine     
         mul     $s1,$a0,2        #     arg*2
         sw      $s1,0($fp)       # b = "   "
         lw      $t0,0($fp)       # get b
         add     $t0,$t0,7        #     b+7
         sw      $t0,4($fp)       # c = "  "
                                  # epilog
         lw      $v0,4($fp)       #   1. Put return value in $v0        
         add     $sp,$fp,8        #   2. $sp = $fp + space_for_variables
         lw      $s1,($sp)        #   3. Pop register $s1
         add     $sp,$sp,4        #          
         lw      $fp,($sp)        #   4. Pop $fp
         add     $sp,$sp,4        #           
         lw      $ra,($sp)        #   5. Pop $ra
         add     $sp,$sp,4        #            
         jr      $ra              #   6. return to caller 


What must the caller do when control returns to it?

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