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mul $v2,$s3,$t0

Translates into:

mult  $s3, $t0

mflo  $v2

mul Pseudoinstruction

The mul pseudoinstruction makes it look as if MIPS has a 32-bit multiply instruction that places its 32-bit result in a register. (Some MIPS processors actually have a basic instruction that does this.)

mul  d,s,t # multiply $s by $t. 
           # put the
           # result in $d
           # Operands are two's
           # complement.
           # (pseudoinstruction)

There is no overflow checking. The bits of hi are not examined nor saved. There are several other pseudoinstructions that examine hi and perform various actions on overflow. We won't use them.

There is a similar pseudoinstruction for division built out of basic instructions.


Finish the translation. The operand registers are $s1 and $s2, the destination register is $t0.

div $t0,$s1,$s2

Translates into:

div   , 


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