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The code is in error. The print string service 4 would send the bytes starting at result to the monitor as if they were ASCII characters. But they are not.

Example Program

# ounces.asm
# Convert ounces to pounds and ounces.

        .globl  main

main:   li      $v0,4       # print prompt
        la      $a0,prompt  #
        li      $v0,5       # read in ounces

        li      $t1,16      # 16 oz. per pound
        divu    $v0,$t1     # lo = pound; hi = oz.

        mflo    $a0
        li      $v0,1       # print
        syscall             # pounds
        li      $v0,4       # print "pounds"
        la      $a0,pout

        mfhi    $a0         # print
        li      $v0,1       # ounces
        syscall             # 
        li      $v0,4       # print
        la      $a0,ozout   # "ounces"

        li      $v0,10      # exit

prompt: .asciiz "Enter ounces: "
pout:   .asciiz " Pounds\n"
ozout:  .asciiz " Ounces\n"

The example program reads in an integer, presumed to be a number of ounces, then writes out the equivalent number of pounds and ounces.

As is often the case, input and output dominate the program. The actual calculation is hard to find.


The program prints "Pounds" and "Ounces" on separate lines. Change the program so that they are printed on one line.

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