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 hex      groups of four 

0x1A4  =  0001 1010 0100 =

  binary          octal
  ungrouped       groups of three

000110100100  =  000 110 100 100   =  0644eight

Remember to group bits starting from the right. If the left group is one or two bits short, add zero bits on the left as needed.

Decimal to base B

Algorithm: Convert from base 10 to base B Representation
place  = 0;
number = number to be converted
while (number > 0 )
  digit[place] = number mod B ; 
  number       = number div B ;
  place        = place + 1 ;

You already know how to convert from Base B to Decimal.

The algorithm converts number from decimal representation to base B representation.

For example, 15 div 6 = 2 and 15 mod 6 = 3.

Here is an example: convert 5410 to hex representation. The base Bis 16. The first execution of the loop body calculates digit[0] the right-most digit of the hex number.


What is digit[ 0 ] = 54 mod 16 ?

What is number = 54 div 16 ?

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