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Unless memory is at a premium, use 8 bits per pixel. With 6 bits, the image could only have 26 = 64 colors; with 8 bits, it can have 28 = 256 colors, a considerable improvement.

Pattern Names

Hexadecimal Names
0000 0 1000 8
0001 1 1001 9
0010 2 1010 A
0011 3 1011 B
0100 4 1100 C
0101 5 1101 D
0110 6 1110 E
0111 7 1111 F

Consider the following pattern:


It is not easy to work with. It is convenient to break bit patterns into 4-bit groups (called nibbles):

0010 1000 1010 1100

There are 16 ( = 24 ) possible patterns in a nibble. Each pattern has a name, as seen in the table.

You might be tempted to call those 4-bit patterns "binary numbers". Resist that temptation. The bit patterns in computer main memory are used for very many purposes. Representing integers is just one of them. The fundamental concept is "bit patterns". Don't confuse this concept with one of its many uses: "representing numbers".

The above bit pattern can be written using the pattern names:

0010 1000 1010 1100 = 28AC

Bits are grouped into nibbles starting at the right. Then each nibble is named. This method of giving names to patterns is called hexadecimal.


Name the following patterns:

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