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Can a value from an int variable be written to a binary file without first translating it into characters?



A Java int uses patterns of 32 bits to represent integers. The exact pattern contained in an int can be written to four bytes of a binary file.


Output Streams

OutputStream is an abstract class from which all byte-oriented output streams descend. Its descendant classes are used for general-purpose (non-character) output. These streams write groups of bytes to output destinations.

A FileOutputStream connects an output stream of bytes to a file. It is concerned with the details of writing bytes to a file. It is not concerned with how groups of bytes form larger units of data. It is has methods for writing single bytes or an array of bytes to a file, and some other methods. These methods are not very useful for us since you have to deal with the individual bytes of a data type.

A DataOuputStream can be connected to a FileOutputStream to provide methods that are convenient for writing various data types to a file.

A DataOuputStream is concerned with how groups of bytes form larger units of data. It has various methods for sending groups of bytes to a stream. It is not concerned with the details of writing bytes to a file.

Use DataOuputStream to send data of spectific types to a stream, and use FileOutputStream to send that stream to a disk file. (See the example program on the next page.)


Does FileOutputStream itself provide a way to write an int to a disk?

Does DataOutputStream provide a way to write an int to a stream?