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What does "Xtail".charAt(0) evaluate to? X — the head of the string.

What does "Xtail".substring(1) evaluate to? tail — the tail of the string.

Java Implementation

public class EqualsTester
  public static boolean myEquals( String strA, String strB )
    if ( strA.isEmpty() && strB.isEmpty() ) 
      return true;
    else if ( strA.isEmpty() || strB.isEmpty() ) 
      return false;
    else if ( strA.charAt(0) != strB.charAt(0) )
      return false;
      return myEquals( strA.substring(1), strB.substring(1));
  public static void main (String[] args)
    String strA = "applecart";
    String strB = "appleCart";
    if ( myEquals( strA, strB ) )
      System.out.println(  "\"" + strA + "\" == \"" + strB  + "\"");
      System.out.println(  "\"" + strA + "\" != \"" + strB  + "\"");

Java Detail: "\"" is the string consisting of one " (the backslash is needed to escape that character).


Here is the first part of the recursive definition:

  1. If StringA has no characters and StringB has no characters, then the strings ARE equal.

Does this part of the code correctly implement that rule:

    if ( strA.isEmpty() && strB.isEmpty() ) 
      return true;