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FlowLayout adds components in raster order: left to right, top to bottom.


Sometimes you want components to be lined up in a strictly vertical (or strictly horizontal) order. This can be done with a BoxLayout layout manager. Here is a constructor for it:

BoxLayout(Container contain, int axis) 

    contain: the container this layout manager is for
    axis: BoxLayout.X_AXIS  — for left to right alignment
          BoxLayout.Y_AXIS  — for top to bottom alignment

Notice that the constructor needs a reference to the container that it is manageing. To set the layout manager of a JPanel to BoxLayout with vertical alignment, do this:

JPanel panel = new JPanel();

panel.setLayout( new BoxLayout( panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS) );

Here is another example GUI. Look at it and decide where a vertical layout has been used

vertical alignment used in some panels


Where has BoxLayout with vertical alignment been used?