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Sure. Like most classes, the JFrame class can be extended.

Extending the JFrame Class

a Myframe object

To write a GUI application, extend the JFrame class. Add GUI components to the extended class. Here is a program that does that.

import java.awt.*; 
import javax.swing.*;

class MyFrame extends JFrame
  JPanel panel;
  JLabel label;

  // constructor
  MyFrame( String title )
    super( title );                      // invoke the JFrame constructor
    setSize( 150, 100 );
    setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
    setLayout( new FlowLayout() );       // set the layout manager
    label = new JLabel("Hello Swing!");  // construct a JLabel
    add( label );                        // add the label to the JFrame


public class TestFrame2
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    MyFrame frame = new MyFrame("Hello"); // construct a MyFrame object
    frame.setVisible( true );             // ask it to become visible

The new class is called MyFrame and it is based on JFrame. Exactly how a container arranges the components it contains is determined by a layout manager. The layout manager for this frame is set to FlowLayout using the setLayout() method. (There will be more on this in the next chapter.)

The frame holds a GUI component, a JLabel which displays the words "Hello Swing!" . The JLabel is added to the frame using the add() method.

The main() method in this application does nothing more than construct a MyFrame object and set it visible.


(Review :) Where must super( title ) appear in the constructor?