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Entry Methods

You may have thought of some additional methods that would be useful in a more realistic example. But for now, use the above methods.

class Entry
  private String name;
  private String number;

  // constructor
  public Entry( String n, String num )
    name = n; number = num;

  // methods
  public String getName()
    return name ;

  public String getNumber()
    return number ;

  // Compare the name of this Entry with that of some other object
  public boolean equals( Object other )
    String otherName = ((Entry)other).getName();  // Get name in the other object.
    return name.equals( otherName );              // Compare name in this object 
                                                  // with that in the other object.

  public String toString()
    return "Name: " + getName() + "; Number: " + getNumber() ;

The toString() method of Entry overrides the toString() method that all objects have.

Also, the equals(Object) method of Entry overrides the equals(Object) method that all objects have.


Why is the equals(Object) method included? Is it really necessary?