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The complete program is given below.

Complete Zero

Use the length of the array in testing for the end. It would be a mistake to write in a literal value like 5 because you want the method to work for all int arrays.

Of course you could call your loop control variable something other than j.

// Array Example
class ChangeArray
  void print ( int[] x )
    for ( int j=0; j < x.length; j++ )
      System.out.print( x[j] + " " );
    System.out.println( );

  void zeroElt ( int[] x, int elt )
    if ( elt < x.length )
      x[ elt ] = 0; 

  // Make all the elements zero.
  void zeroAll ( int[] ar )
    for ( int j=0; j < ar.length; j++ )
      ar[j] = 0;


class ChangeTest
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    ChangeArray cng = new ChangeArray();
    int[] value = {27, 19, 34, 5, 12} ;
    System.out.println( "Before:" );
    cng.print( value );
    cng.zeroAll( value  );
    System.out.println( "After:" );
    cng.print( value );


Will the j in zeroAll() and the j in print() interfere with each other?