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Click on the close button. That is what setDefaultCloseOperation() is about.


Our paintComponent() overrides the method of the same name in the super class of JPanel. Call the super class method super.paintComponent( gr ) before doing custom painting. If you forget to do this the background color will be the default color.

class DemoPanel extends JPanel
  . . . 
   public void paintComponent ( Graphics gr )
      int width  = getWidth();
      int height = getHeight();

      super.paintComponent( gr );
      gr.setColor( Color.BLUE );
      gr.drawLine( 0, 0, width-1, height-1 );


To draw a diagonal line, the method needs the width and height of the panel. This does not include the width and height of the borders and menu bar of the frame.

getWidth()  — the current width in pixels of this component
getHeight()  — the current height in pixels of this component

The method then sets the pen color to BLUE and draws a diagonal line. The setColor() method of a Graphics object changes the color that is used in drawing. This color will be used for all drawing until is it changed again.


(Review: ) Which pixel is the one at coordinates (0,0) ?