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The number of integers to be added is not fixed by the program. The data itself says how many integers are to be added.

Near-complete Program

Here is the program, except for a blank or two. Think before you click them.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
class AddUpAll
  public static void main ( String[] args ) throws IOException
    int value;          // the value of the current integer
    int limit;          // the number of integers to add up
    int sum = ______; // initialize sum
    // Prompt for and open the input file   
    Scanner user = new Scanner( System.in );
    System.out.print("File name? ");
    String fileName = user.next().trim();
    Scanner scan = new Scanner( new File(fileName) );  // Note how this is done.

    // get the number of integers to add up
    limit = scan.nextInt();
    int count = ______;   // initialize count

    while ( count <= ______ )
      value  = scan.nextInt();
      sum    = ______;   // add to the sum
      count  = ______;   // increment count

    System.out.println( "Grand Total: " + sum );


Why is user input trimmed? user.next().trim()