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The boolean expression is true

34 > 2   ||   5 == 7
------        -----
 true         false

because all OR needs is one true.

Car Purchase Program

The above expression evaluates to true because at least one operand was true. In fact, as soon as the first true is detected, you know that the entire expression must be true, because true OR anything is true.

34 > 2   ||   5 == 7
------        -----
 true         does not matter

As an optimization, Java evaluates an expression only as far as needed to determine its value. When program runs, as soon as 34 > 2 is found to be true, the entire expression is known to be true, and evaluation goes no further. This type of optimization is called short-circuit evaluation. (Just as it is with AND.)

Here is a full Java program that implements the car purchase decision.

// Sports Car Purchase
// You need $25000 in cash or credit
import java.util.Scanner;

class HotWheels
  public static void main (String[] args) 
    Scanner scan = new Scanner( System.in ); 
    int cash, credit ; 

    // get the cash
    System.out.print("How much cash? ");
    cash = scan.nextInt() ; 

    // get the credit line
    System.out.print("How much credit? ");
    credit = scan.nextInt() ; 

    // check that at least one qualification is met
    if ( cash >= 25000  ||   credit >= 25000 )
      System.out.println("Enough to buy this car!" );
      System.out.println("What about a Yugo?" );


Compile and run the program with various values of cash and credit to check that you understand how OR works.


What does the program do if the user enters negative numbers?