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Expression ValueExpression Value
25 == 25 true 25 != 25 false
25 <= 25 true 25 > 25 false
25 >= 25 true 25 = 25 illegal
-5 < 7 true -305 <= 97 true

Using Boolean Expressions

In an if statement, the true or false of a boolean expression picks whether the true branch or the false branch is executed. Look at another story problem:

A store wants a program that calculates the tax on an item of clothing. An item that costs $100 or more has a 5% tax. An item that costs less than $100 is tax free. Write a program that asks for a price, then calculates and prints the tax, then prints the total cost.

Here is the program, not quite finished:


class TaxProgram
  public static void main (String[] args) 
    double price;
    double tax ;

    System.out.println("Enter the price:");

    if (   )



    System.out.println("Item cost: " + price + " Tax: " + tax + " Total: " + (price+tax) );    

Here are some program fragments to use in completing the program. Use your mouse to copy-and-paste them into the program.

tax = price * taxRate;          Scanner scan = new Scanner( System.in );
price = scan.nextDouble();      final double taxRate = 0.05;
price >= 100.0                  import java.util.Scanner;
tax = 0.0;

(Of course, it would be nice to copy the program to a file, enter your corrections and run the program.)


Complete the program by filling in the blanks.