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Enter first  integer:
12 -8
Enter second integer:
The sum of 12 plus -8 is 4


The nextInt() method scans through the input stream character by character, adding characters into groups that can be converted into numeric data. It ignores any spaces and end-of-lines that may separate these groups.

In the above, the user entered two groups on one line. Each call to nextInt() scanned in one group.

It is tempting to think of user input as a sequence of separate "lines". But a Scanner sees a stream of characters with occasional line-separator characters. After it has scanned a group, it stops at where ever it is and waits until it is asked to scan again.

Integer Division Tester

Here is a new program made by modifying the first program.

Run the program a few times. See what happens when negative integers are input.

import java.util.Scanner;
class IntDivideTest
  public static void main (String[] args) 
    Scanner scan = new Scanner( System.in );
    int dividend, divisor ;                      // int versions of input
    int quotient, remainder ;                    // results of "/" and "%"

    System.out.println("Enter the dividend:");   // read the dividend
    dividend = scan.nextInt();          

    System.out.println("Enter the divisor:");    // read the divisor
    divisor  = scan.nextInt();          

    quotient = dividend / divisor ;              // perform int math
    remainder= dividend % divisor ;

    System.out.println( dividend + " / " + divisor + " is " + quotient );
    System.out.println( dividend + " % " + divisor + " is " + remainder );
    System.out.println( quotient + " * " + divisor + 
        " + " + remainder + " is " + (quotient*divisor+remainder) );


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