

Strings Attached

So far the balloons are just red circles. It would be nice to make them look more like balloons by attaching a string to each one. A string will just be a vertical line attached to the bottom of each circle:

The LINE statement

LINE (startX, startY)-(endX, endY)

draws a line from the starting point (startX, startY) to the ending point (endX, endY). To draw a string for each balloon, use one LINE statement for each balloon. Here is the program so far, with room for a new LINE statement:

' Draw 10 Red Balloons each with a string
SCREEN 12     ' start up graphics
COLOR 4       ' set the pen color to red
LET BALLOON = 1              ' start with balloon number 1
DO WHILE BALLOON <= 10       ' end with balloon number 10
  LET X = BALLOON * 64 - 32  ' calculate an X for this balloon
  CIRCLE (X, 100), 25        ' draw a balloon
  LINE   . . . . .           ' draw its string
  LET BALLOON = BALLOON + 1  ' go on to next balloon



Complete the LINE statement. Make the string 100 pixels long. It will look like:

LINE ( _____ , _____ ) - ( _____ , _____ )

(Hints: the line is vertical, so X does not change. The string should be in the same column as the center of the balloon.)