
The program would draw 10 balloons, but they would all be drawn on top of each other. You would only see one red circle.

Making Each Balloon Different

Here is the (slightly defective) program:

' Draw 10 Red Balloons
SCREEN 12     ' start up graphics
COLOR 4       ' set the pen color to red
LET BALLOON = 1              ' start with balloon number 1
DO WHILE BALLOON <= 10       ' end with balloon number 10
  CIRCLE (100, 100), 25      ' draw a balloon
  LET BALLOON = BALLOON + 1  ' go on to next balloon


This program will run. It will even draw a picture. But the picture will be a single red circle with radius 25, centered at X=100, Y=100. Boring...

We need 10 balloons, each with a different center, as in the above picture. You might want the first center to be (X=64, Y=100), the next center to be (X=128, Y=100), the center after that to be (X=192, Y=100), ... and so on.


The X location of each balloon will be different from the others. How can the program change the X location for each balloon?