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In the above, what character is the first one removed from the string? A

What character is the last one appended to the reversed string? A

Java Implementation

public class ReverseTester
  public static String reverse( String str )
    if ( str.isEmpty() )       // use str.equals("") for older version of Java 
      return "";
      return reverse( str.substring(1) ) + str.charAt(0) ;
  public static void main (String[] args)
    String strA = "Applecart";  
    System.out.println(  "Reverse of \"" + strA + " is \"" + reverse( strA ) + "\"");

reverse( str.substring(1) ) is the reverse of the tail.

reverse( str.substring(1) ) + str.charAt(0) appends the first character of the argument to the end of the reversed tail.


Is the character A equal to the character A?

Is the string "pplecart" equal to the string "pplecart"?

Is the string "Applecart" equal to the string "Applecart"?

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