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See Below

Finished Methods

The completed methods scan through the arrays, counting and adding up just the valid days. Returning a floating point error flag is somewhat awkward in avgTemp(). Again, Exceptions would be useful here.

import java.util.*;

class Month
  // constants
  final int ERRORFLAG = 999;
  // instance variables
  private int   month;  // 1 == January
  private int   year;   // year as an int, eg 2017
  private int   daysInMonth;   // number of days in this month
  private int[] temp;
  private boolean[] valid; // true, if corresponding day holds data
  . . .
  // count the number of days with valid data
  public int countValidDays()
    int count = 0;
    for ( int day=1; day<=daysInMonth; day++ )
      if ( valid[day] ) 
        count++ ;
    return count;      
  // compute the average temperatures for 
  // all valid days  
  public double avgTemp()
    int sum = 0;
    int count = 0;
    for ( int day=1; day <= daysInMonth; day++ )
      if ( valid[day] ) 
        sum += temp[ day ];
        count++ ;
    if ( count > 0 )
      return (double)sum/count;
      return ERRORFLAG;
  . . . . . .



What happens to a Month object when the program finishes?

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