Puzzle DC21

Find the maximum element in an integer array

[E-6] Write a function that evaluates to the maximum of an integer array. Here is a framework:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* Puzzle D21 -- find the maximum element in an integer array */
int findLargest( int size, int arr[] )

/* Functions from previous puzzles */
int randInt( int min, int max );
void printArray( int size, int arr[] );
void fillArrayRandom( int size, int arr[], int low, int high );

int main()
  const int SIZE = 60;
  int x[ SIZE ];
  int max;
  srand( time(NULL) );
  fillArrayRandom( SIZE, x, 0, 99 );
  printArray( x, SIZE );
  max = findLargest( x, SIZE );
  printf("Max = %d\n", max );
  system("pause");	  /* Remove if not needed */
  return 0;

Here is sample output:

  19   51   58   47   30   27   58   87   32   52
  17   28   78   32   63    9   50   62   38   65
  91   41   17   14   85   41   63   79   69   83
  60   17    3   45   50    7   72   64    0   79
  53   45   28   33   29   46   10   36   60   54
  17   31   15   20   73   58   73   62    9   21

Max = 91

For any array with one or more elements there will be a largest element. If all elements are the same value, then that is the maximum. Be sure to consider the possibility that some or all elements are negative.

You will need a variable that holds the current maximum. How should it be initialized?

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