created: 11/14/2007; revised 03/06/2009

Puzzles S01 ... S10

Part S — String and Character Problems

These puzzles involve characters and null-terminated strings. The string puzzles are an opportunity to practice using pointers. You could solve the puzzles using character arrays and indexing, but try to solve them using character pointers.

Puzzle S01 — Is a character upper case?

[E-1]Write a function that determines if a character is an upper case character 'A' through 'Z'. If so, return 1, otherwise return zero. Here is a prototype for the function:

int isUppercase( int ch );

The argument for the function is an int, with the eight bit ASCII character in the low order byte. (Review the Gotcha from the introduction about why the argument is an int.)

Here is a skeleton of a testing program. Finish it by completing the function. With a programming environment (such as Bloodshed Dev-C++) use copy-and-paste to copy this code into the editor window and then save it to a source file.

/* Puzzle S01 -- detect upper case characters */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int isUppercase( int ch )
  . . . .

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char trials[] = {'a', 'B', 'Z', ' ', '+', 'z', 'Z', 0x33 };
  int j, ch;
  for ( j=0; j<sizeof(trials); j++ )
    ch = trials[j];
    if ( isUppercase( ch ) )
      printf("%c is upper case\n", ch);
      printf("%c is NOT upper case\n", ch);
  return 0;

Note: this function is similar to the function isupper() described in <ctype.h>. In professional-level code, use the standard function rather than your own.

Puzzle S02 — Is a character whitespace?

[E-1]Write a function isWhitespace() that determines if a character (contained in an int) is a whitespace character. Whitespace is any of the following characters: space, tab, carriage return, newline, vertical tab, or form feed. Here is a testing program:

/* Puzzle S02 --  is a character whitespace? */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int isWhitespace( int ch )

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char trials[] = {'a', 'B', ' ', '+', 'z', 0x33, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D };
  int j, ch;
  for ( j=0; j<sizeof(trials); j++ )
    ch = (int)trials[j] ; /* char in low order byte */
    printf("%02X ", ch );
    if ( isWhitespace( ch ) )
      printf("is whitespace\n");
      printf("is NOT whitespace\n");
  return 0;

Consult the table of ASCII in the introduction to determine the bit patterns for the whitespace characters.

Note: this function is similar to the function isspace() described in <ctype.h>. In professional-level code, use the standard function rather than your own.

Puzzle S03 — Convert to lower case

[E-4]Write a function that converts an upper case character to a lower case character and leaves all other characters unchanged. The character to be converted is passed (by value) as an int. The return value of the function is the converted character. Here is a testing program:

/* Puzzle S03 --  to lower case */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int isUppercase( int ch )

int toLowerCase( int ch )

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char trials[] = {'a', 'B', 'C', '+', 'z', 0x33, 0x0C, 0x0D };
  int j, ch;
  for ( j=0; j<sizeof(trials); j++ )
    ch = (unsigned int)trials[j] ; /* char in low order byte */
    printf("%c ", ch );
    printf("to lower case: %c\n", (char)toLowerCase(ch) );
  return 0;

Note: this function is similar to the function toLower() described in <ctype.h>.

Puzzle S04 — Compute the length of a string

[E-4]Write function strlen() that computes the length of a string. The length of a null-terminated string is the number of characters in it, not counting the null at the end. An empty string (one that contains only the null byte) has a length of zero. Here is a prototype for the function:

int strlength( char *p )

The function's parameter is a pointer to the first byte of the string. Write the function to move the pointer through the successive bytes of the string, incrementing a counter as it does so, until the pointer hits the NUL. Here is a testing program:

/* Puzzle S04 --  string length */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int strlength( char *p )

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char *trials[] = {"String of length 19", "X", "", "Yet another string",
                    "End of\nlines should\nwork fine."};
  int j, ch;

  for ( j=0; j<sizeof(trials)/sizeof(char *); j++ )
    printf("%s\nis length %d\n\n", trials[j], strlength( trials[j] ) );

  return 0;

Note 1: Don't call your function strlen() like the standard function or you may have trouble compiling because of a name conflict.

Note 2: The array trials consists of cells which contain the addresses of string literals. The size of each cell is sizeof(char *) so the number of cells in the array is sizeof(trials)/sizeof(char *).

Puzzle S05 — Convert a string to lower case

[E-4] Write function that converts each upper case character of a string to lower case. If a character is not upper case, it is not altered. Here is a testing program:

/* Puzzle S05 --  string to lower case */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int toLowercase( int ch )

void strToLower( char *p )

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char trials[6][100] = {"UPPER CASE + lower case", "X", "", "Yet another string",
                    "End Of\nLines Should\nWork Fine.", "The game is afoot!"};
  int j ;

  for ( j=0; j<6; j++ )
    printf("Original : %s\n",   trials[j]);
    strToLower( trials[j] );
    printf("Converted: %s\n\n", trials[j]  );

  return 0;

Note: The array trials contains six strings (of up to 99 characters each). These strings are not constants, so they can be altered by strToLower(). The following testing program would NOT work, because it attempts to alter a constant string literal:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char trial = "Immutable string LITERAL!" ;
  printf("Original : %s\n",   trial );
  strToLower( trial );                   /* Run-time error */
  printf("Converted: %s\n", trial );

However, with some C compilers the above defective program actually will compile and run without reported error.

Puzzle S06 — Copy characters from one string to another

[M-5]Write function that copies the characters contained in a source string to a target string. Copy the final null byte from the source string, as well. Assume that the target string has at least as many characters as the source string. The target string must already exist before the function is called, and any characters in it are over-written. Here is a prototype for the function:

void stringCopy( char *copy, char *source );

Here is a picture of what it does. The two strings are contained in buffers, which may have room for more characters than are logically contained in the null-terminated string. The buffers need not be the same size.


The two pointers move together through their respective strings until the source pointer hits the null at the end of its string. The function does nothing with the characters in the copy buffer that are left over from its original contents.

From the picture, it looks like the function looses track of where each buffer begins, and this is true. But the caller of the function (main in this case) still has the original values with which it called the function. Here is a testing program:

/* Puzzle S06 --  string copy */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void stringCopy( char *copy, char *source )

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char buffer[100];
  char *trials[] = 
  "The game is afoot!",
  "Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.",
  "So is programming.",
  "As always,\nlinefeeds should\nwork.",
  "For great fun, change the buffer size to 5!"
  int j ;
  for ( j=0; j<sizeof(trials)/sizeof(char *); j++ )
    stringCopy( buffer, trials[j] );
    printf("%s\n", buffer);

  return 0;

This function is similar to the standard function strcpy() described in <strings.h> .

If you change the buffer size to 5, stringCopy() will not know it, and will blindly copy characters into the first 5 bytes of the buffer and beyond. This will likely clobber something else in memory. To see the effect of this, you may have to move the declaration of the buffer around in the code so that something crucial gets clobbered. Put it just before j, for example.

To somewhat allievate this problem, the standard function strncpy() described in <strings.h> requires an additional argument, the length of the buffer.

Puzzle S07 — Concatenate two strings

[M-5]Write function stringConcat(char *s1, char *s2) that appends the contents of the string s2 to the end of the string s1. The null character that ends s1 is overwritten with the first character in s2 and a new null character is place at the end of the combined strings. String s1 is assumed to be contained in a buffer that has enough room for the combined length of the strings. The string s2 is not affected. The function returns the address of the first byte of s1 (which is the same value of s1 that is passed into the function.) This function is similar to the standard strcat() function. Here is a picture that shows the operation of the function:

The variable p is local to the function so that the value in s1 can be returned, as per specifications. Here is a testing program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void stringCopy( char *copy, char *source )

char *stringConcat( char *s1, char *s2 )

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char buffer[ 100 ];
  char *trialsA[] =
  "The game is",
  "Genius is an infinite capacity",
  "So is",
  "As always,\n",
  "For great fun, "

  char *trialsB[] =
  " afoot!",
  " for taking pains.",
  " programming.",
  "concatenated to an empty string",
  "linefeeds should\nwork.",
  " change the buffer size to 5!"

  int j ;
  for ( j=0; j<sizeof(trialsA)/sizeof(char *); j++ )
    stringCopy( buffer, trialsA[j] );
    stringConcat( buffer, trialsB[j] );
    printf("%s\n", buffer );

  return 0;
stringCopy() is used in the testing program and also might be used in stringConcat().

Puzzle S08 — Trim whitespace from the front and end of a string

[H-8]Write a function which removes whitespace characters from the beginning and end of a string. For example, the string

"   Spaces before, spaces after   " 

will be trimmed to

"Spaces before, spaces after" 

Whitespace in the middle of a string will not be removed. Use the isWhitespace() function from puzzle S02 or the standard isspace() function. Here is a testing function:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void trim( char *p )

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char buffer[ 100 ];
  char *trials[] =
  "    The game is afoot!   ",
  "The    game  is    afoot!",
  "   The game is afoot!",
  "The game is afoot!     ",
  "\n\nNewLines and tabs count as Whitespace\n\n\t\t",
  "\n\tInternal\ttabs\t \tShould Remain  \t",
  "Empty strings should pass right through",
  "             \t\n\t      ",
  "Strings of all whitespace should be reduced to empty"

  int j ;
  for ( j=0; j<sizeof(trials)/sizeof(char *); j++ )
    strcpy( buffer, trials[j] );
    trim( buffer );
    printf("-->%s<--\n", buffer );

  return 0;

Puzzle S09 — Convert a string of digits into an integer

[H-12]Write function that accepts a string of digits and computes the corresponding int. For example the string "123" will be converted into the int value 123. (Usually this is called "converting the string into an integer," although the string itself is not actually changed.) Assume that the string might start with an optional plus or minus sign and that the the string is terminated by a null. If one of the characters is not a digit, stop the conversion and return whatever value has been calculated so far. Here is a prototype:

int stringToInt( char *p );

Use Horner's method to calculate the int:

value = 0
start with leftmost digit
while digit is '0' through '9' 
  value = value * 10
  value = value + integer equivalent of digit
  move to next digit
return value  

You can write the function using entierly your own code, or use the standard functions isdigit() and toint() from <ctype.h> . Here is a testing function:

/* Puzzle S09 --  string to int */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int stringToInt( char *p )

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char *trials[] =
   "9876  ",
   "--oh dear--",
   "+ 234",

  int j ;
  for ( j=0; j<sizeof(trials)/sizeof(char *); j++ )
    printf("%s is converted into: %d\t\tshould be: %d\n", trials[j],
         stringToInt( trials[j]), atoi( trials[j]) );

  return 0;

The testing program compares the output of our stringToInt() with the standard atoi() which does the same thing. If the string starts with spaces, or there are spaces between the optional sign and the digits, then the conversion stops.

Puzzle S10 — convert a string of digits into a double

[H-20]Write function that accepts a string of digits and converts it into a double. For example the string "123.456" will be converted into the double value 123.456. Assume that the string might start with an optional plus or minus sign and that the the string is terminated by a null. There may be zero or one decimal point in the string. If one of the characters is not a digit (or a correctly possitioned plus, minus, or decimal point), stop the conversion and return whatever value has been calculated so far. Here is a prototype:

int stringToDouble( char *p );

Use Horner's method to calculate the integer part of the double. When the decimal point is encountered, start a divisor out at 10 and increase it by a factor of 10 for each new digit. Divide each digit past the decimal point by the current divisor and add the result to the current sum.

Here is a testing function:

/* Puzzle S10 --  string to double */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

double stringToDouble( char *p )

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char *trials[] =
   "98.76  ",
   "+ 234",
   "+1.345E+005"  /* Our function will not work for this */

  int j ;
  for ( j=0; j<sizeof(trials)/sizeof(char *); j++ )
    printf("%s is converted into: %lf\t\tshould be: %lf\n", trials[j],
         stringToDouble( trials[j]), atof( trials[j]) );

  return 0;

The testing program compares the output of our stringToDouble() with the standard atof() which does the same thing. If the string starts with spaces, or there are spaces between the optional sign and the digits, then the conversion stops.

The standard atof()can convert strings that use scientific notation, as in the last test case above. Our function will fail with this. It would not be too hard to extend our function to deal with scientific notation.

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