G04 Answer

#include <stdio.h>

struct Bulb
  int watts;
  int lumens;

/* function to print a Bulb */
void printBulb( struct Bulb *blb )
  printf("watts = %d\tlumens = %d\n", blb->watts, blb->lumens );

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  struct Bulb bulbA = {100, 1710 }, bulbB = {60, 1065};
  printBulb( &bulbA );        
  printBulb( &bulbB );        
  return 0;

Comments: Functions in ANSI C always use call by value for parameter passing. However, the value that is passed can be an address. The function call

  printBulb( &bulbA );        

passes a parameter which is the address of bulbA. The ampersand in &bulbA means "address of". This is just a single value -- a 32-bit address. The function declaration shows that the function expects such an address:

void printBulb( struct Bulb *blb )

The asterisk in struct Bulb *blb means "follow an address".

A struct can be initialized in an initializer list:

struct Bulb bulbA = {100,1710};

The values in the list are assigned to the members of the struct, in order.