E28 Answer

x before foo: 8
x in fileB: 444
x in fileB: 25
x after  foo: 8

/* --- fileA.c --- */ int x = 8; /* file scope, external linkage */
/* --- fileB.c --- */ static int x = 444 ; /* file scope, internal linkage */ foo() { printf("x in fileB: %d\n", x ); x = 25; printf("x in fileB: %d\n", x ); }
/* --- fileC.c --- */ extern int x ; /* file scope, external linkage */ main() { printf("x before foo: %d\n", x ); foo(); printf("x after foo: %d\n", x ); system("pause"); }

Comments: The x in fileB.c has internal linkage, and so becomes "fileB's private x". fileB.c does not see the x of the other two files. Without the keyword static in the declaration in fileB.c, the linker would have attempted to create a single entity for the x of all three files, which would fail because of the conflicting initializations.