Puzzles C01 ... C10

Part C — Arrays

These puzzles involve arrays. Arrays are extremely important in programming. I doubt that there is any practical program that does not use arrays extensively. If you wish to be a programmer, you must become familiar with arrays.

Puzzle C01 — print each element in an array of ints, one per line

[E-6] Write a subroutine void printArray( int arr[], int size ) that prints the elements of an integer array one per line. Write a main() program that declares an array and prints it out using the function. Here is some typical output:

index   value
-----   -----
   0:       0
   1:       9
   2:      23
   3:      -6
   4:       5
   5:       2
   6:      71
   7:      45
   8:      -9
   9:       3

Here is a skeleton of the program. Your job is to finish it. If you are using a programming environment (such as Bloodshed Dev-c++) use copy-and-paste to copy this code into a source file.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* Puzzle C01 — print each element in an array of ints, one per line */

void printArray( int arr[], int size )


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int x[] = {0, 9, 23, -6, 5, 2, 71, 45, -9, 3 };
  printArray( x, 10 );
  system("pause"); /* remove this if desired */	
  return 0;

Puzzle C02 — print each element in an array of ints, 10 elements per line.

[E-8] Write a function that prints the elements of an integer array, 10 elements per line. Don't write out the array indexes. Here is a framework:

void printArray( int arr[], int size )

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int x[] = { 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10,
             11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
             21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,             
             31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 };
  printArray( x, 40 );
  return 0;

Puzzle C03 — fill an array by making each element the same integer x

[E-4] Write a function that fills an array by putting the same integer in each slot. Here is a framework:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* Puzzle C03 - fill an array by making each element the same integer x */
void fillArrayConst( int arr[], int size, int x )
  ... fill in here ...

void printArray( int arr[], int size )
  ... from above ...

const int SIZE = 100;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int x[ SIZE ];
  fillArrayConst( x, SIZE, 7 );
  printArray( x, SIZE );
  return 0;

Puzzle C04 — fill an array with integers in ascending order

[E-4] Write a function that fills an array with integers in ascending order, starting with a designated integer.

Puzzle C05 — fill an array with integers in descending order

[E-4] Write a function that fills an array with integers in descending order, starting with a designated integer.

Puzzle C06 — fill an array with random integers in the range Low to High

[E-4] Write a function that fills an array with random integers. Pick integers in the range Low..High (inclusive.) Here is the output of a program that tests this function by filling an array of 100 elements with integers in the range 0..100.

   0   56   19   81   59   48   35   90   83   75
  17   86   71   51   30    1    9   36   14   16
  99   45   12    0    0   38   53   57   60   61
  16   66   45   35    5   61   79   81   52   30
  88   73   96   93   54   14   46   23   87   21
  78   85  100  100   61   39   26   30   84    2
  37    9   68    5    0   92   27   27   59   69
  84   73   48   20   75   47   46   95   75   10
  60   38   74   61   57   36   15   22   42   81
  52   99   75   34   17   66   49    6   70   50

Use a function from the B section of puzzles to generate the random integers. [H-3] Or do this from scratch if you want practice.

Puzzle C07 — fill an array with random doubles in the range Low <= d < High

[E-4] Write a function that fills an array with randomly selected double precision floats in a specified range. Notice that the range does not include the high value. Here is sample output of a program that tests the function, using a range of 0.0 to 10.0. Printing the array is done with the solution of the next puzzle.

  0.0125   5.6357   1.9330   8.0872   5.8499
  4.7986   3.5028   8.9594   8.2281   7.4658
  1.7410   8.5892   7.1048   5.1352   3.0399
  0.1498   0.9140   3.6444   1.4731   1.6589
  9.8849   4.4568   1.1908   0.0467   0.0891
  3.7787   5.3165   5.7117   6.0175   6.0715
  1.6623   6.6302   4.5078   3.5211   0.5704
  6.0767   7.8329   8.0258   5.1987   3.0194
  8.7595   7.2665   9.5587   9.2569   5.3934
  1.4233   4.6207   2.3532   8.6221   2.0959
  7.7963   8.4363   9.9677   9.9966   6.1148
  3.9243   2.6620   2.9727   8.4012   0.2374
  3.7585   0.9262   6.7719   0.5621   0.0879
  9.1876   2.7588   2.7289   5.8789   6.9116
  8.3759   7.2647   4.8492   2.0535   7.4371
  4.6844   4.5795   9.4913   7.4442   1.0828
  5.9903   3.8522   7.3499   6.0895   5.7239
  3.6133   1.5155   2.2510   4.2514   8.0286
  5.1709   9.8996   7.5153   3.4555   1.6898
  6.5729   4.9188   0.6354   6.9974   5.0479
Work on puzzles C07 and C08 together. You could do C08 first, but it would be tedious to test without a function that fills an array.

Puzzle C08 — print each element in an array of doubles.

[E-7] Write a function that prints the elements in an array of doubles. See the above for example output.

Puzzle C09 — fill an array with an ascending sequence of random integers

[E-6] Write a function that fills an array with integers, where each integer is larger than its predecessor by a random amount in the range 1..MaxStep. Start the array with a random value between 0 and MaxStep-1. A prototype for the function is:

void fillArrayRandomAscending( int arr[], int size, int maxStep )

Sample output of a main program that tests the function for a MaxStep of 10 is:

   0    6    8   17   23   28   32   41   50   58
  60   69   77   83   87   88   89   93   95   97
 107  112  114  115  116  120  126  132  139  146
 148  155  160  164  165  172  180  189  195  199
 208  216  226  236  242  244  249  252  261  264
 272  281  291  301  308  312  315  318  327  328
 332  333  340  341  342  352  355  358  364  371
 380  388  393  396  404  409  414  424  432  434
 440  444  452  459  465  469  471  474  479  488
 494  504  512  516  518  525  530  531  538  544

This array started out at 0, but it could have started with any value between 0 and 9.

Puzzle C10 — fill an array with an ascending sequence of random doubles, with an average step size of avg

[M-15] Write a function that fills an array with a sequence of double precision floats. Each float is greater than its predecessor by an average amount avg, but may be greater or less than avg by up to but not including an amount dev. In other words, the amount inc added to one element to get the next is in the range (avg-dev)< inc < (avg+dev).

A prototype for the function is:

void fillDoubleArrayRandomAscending( double arr[], int size, double avg, double dev )

Start the array with a value (avg-dev)< arr[0]< (avg+dev). Sample output of a main program that tests the function for an avg of 1.0 and a dev of 1.5 is:

  0.4564   2.5835   3.9723   4.6389   5.0146
  7.2102   6.7249   7.8433   9.0546   9.9227
 11.3645  11.0373  12.0200  13.9607  16.0684
 16.1864  17.5251  18.2726  20.6133  22.2673
 24.6562  25.9857  26.4264  27.8649  28.9353
 30.9444  31.2108  31.3442  31.1604  32.2450
 32.4328  32.1780  32.1044  33.7280  33.6398
 36.0319  37.7449  37.5206  39.5221  39.2572
 40.0321  40.3241  42.2031  43.4218  44.7634
 45.0128  46.1254  47.1837  48.4832  49.9341

With that choice for avg and dev, the array is more-or-less ascending, but sometimes elements are out of order.

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