Puzzles A31 ... A40

Part A — Loop Problems

These puzzles involve functions that contain loops.

Puzzle A31 — function to print a line of N stars

[E-3]Write a function that prints a line of N stars followed by an end of line. N is the parameter of the function. Here is the output of the function when N is 8:


Here is a skeleton of the function and a main() program that exercises it:

#include <stdio.h>

void starLine( int n )

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  starLine( 8 );  
  return 0;

Puzzle A32 — Centered Row

[E-5]Write center(char ch, int count, int length) which prints count number of characters in the center of a line of length characters. Make the other characters of the line blank (or dot, for debugging purposes.) Here is the output for center('*', 5, 13)


Here is a testing framework:

#include <stdio.h>

void center(char ch, int count, int length)

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  center('*', 5, 13);  
  return 0;

Puzzle A33 — print an R by C block of stars

[E-3]Write a function that prints a block of R rows of C stars. If R is 5 and C is 7 the function prints:


Write the function so that it uses starLine() from the first puzzle. Here is a skeleton of the function and a main() program that exercises it:

#include <stdio.h>

void starLine( int n )

void starBlock( int rows, int cols )

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  starBlock( 5, 7 );  
  return 0;

Puzzle A34 — Left Pyramid

[E-5]Write a function that prints a pyramid of B blocks. Each block is an N by 2N-1 rectangle, starting with N=1 and going up to N=B:


Use the previous function starBlock(), to build the pyramid.

#include <stdio.h>

void starLine( int n )

void starBlock( int rows, int cols )

void pyramid( int blocks )

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  pyramid( 7 );  
  return 0;

Puzzle A35 — Centered Pyramid

[E-7]Modify the previous program so that it prints a centered pyramid:


Use the function center() from the second puzzle. You will need to modify pyramid() and starBlock().

Puzzle A36 — print centered triangle

[E-5]Write a function that prints a centered triangle created by printed several centered rows of a specified character. The parameters to the function are the number of rows and the character to print. Use center() .


Each row of the triangle has an odd number of characters.

#include <stdio.h>

void center(char ch, int count, int length)

void triangle(char ch, int rows)

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  triangle('*', 5);  
  return 0;

Puzzle A37 — print centered truncated triangle

[E-5]Write a function that prints a centered triangle with a base of N characters and a top row of T characters. The triangle is centered in a row of length number of characters (although trailing blanks are not printed.)


Each row of the triangle has an odd number of characters.

#include <stdio.h>

void center(char ch, int count, int length)

void truncTriangle(char ch, int base, int top, int length)

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  truncTriangle('*', 9, 3, 17);  
  return 0;

Puzzle A38 — print a shaggy centered truncated triangle

[M-10]As above, write a function that prints a centered triangle with a base of N characters and a top row of T characters. But now, use a different character for the first half of each line, the center, and the last half of each line.


Each row of the triangle has an odd number of characters. You will have to modify center().

#include <stdio.h>

void center(char left, char cent, char right, int count, int length)

void shaggyTruncTriangle(char left, char cent, char right, int base, int top, int length)

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  shaggyTruncTriangle('/', '|', '\\', 17, 7, 27);   
  return 0;

The character constant '\\' in the above means just a single backslash. Since backslash is used as an escape character, two in a row are needed to ask for just one.

Puzzle A39 — Pine Tree

[M-10]Use shaggyTruncTriangle() in a function that prints a pine tree.

void center(char left, char cent, char right, int count, int length)

void shaggyTruncTriangle(char left, char cent, char right, int base, int top, int line)

void pineTree( int tiers )
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  return 0;

Puzzle A40 — Solid Circle

[H-10]Write a function that prints a solid circle of stars.


Do this using a doubly nested loop that iterates through all rows and all columns. If the distance a particular row and column is from the center of the circle is less than the radius, print a star. Otherwise print a space. Use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the distance squared. The center of the circle is at (row, col) == (radius, radius). Don't use center() for this.

#include <stdio.h>

void circle(int radius)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  return 0;

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