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          .word    print                    # Jump Table
          .asciiz  "Silly Example\n"        # This object's data

The print() Method

The print() method is put in the .text section of memory:

# Single copy of the print method
# Parameter: $a0 == address of the object
          li       $v0,4                   # print string service
          addu     $a0,$a0,4               # address of object's string
          syscall                          # 
          jr       $ra                     # return to caller

There is only one copy of the method. But it acts as if were a part of each object. This is done by copying into $a0 the address of the object using print.

Here is how main() does this:

                            # object1.print();
la       $a0,object1        #   Get address of first object.
lw       $t0,0($a0)         #   Get address of object's method.
jalr     $t0                #   Call the object's method.
                            #   The address of the object is
                            #   in $a0.

In print(), the address of the string within the object that is using print() is computed by:

addu     $a0,$a0,4           # address of object's string

This places the string's address in $a0 where the print string service expects it.


(Thought Question: ) In a real-world program, should a subroutine calling convention be used when object methods are called?

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