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Dynamic Jump Table

With SPIM, you write a program as one big source file. All entry points are labeled, and subroutines can be called with jal. However, large programming projects are usually written with dozens of source files which are later on assembled (or compiled) and linked together (see Chapter One.)

Operating systems often support dynamic loading, where the machine code for a subroutine is loaded (by the operating system) only when a running program requires it. After the subroutine is loaded, its entry point is put into a jump table. A collection of machine code that can be dynamically loaded is kept in a dynamically loaded library.

Here is our example program modified to give the feel of this:

          .globl   main
          . . . .
          # Assume that when the program is first loaded into
          # memory that the subroutines are NOT loaded with it.
          # After running for a while, the program needs to
          # call sub1. Only at that time is sub1 loaded and
          # the first entry in the jump table is filled in.
          lw       $t0,jtable         # call sub1
          jalr     $t0                # pass control

          . . . .
          # After running for a while longer, the program
          # needs to call sub2. At that time, sub2 is loaded
          # and the second entry in the jump table is filled in.
          lw       $t0,jtable+4       # call sub2
          jalr     $t0                # pass control
          li      $v0,10              # return to OS

          .word sub1                  # Jump Table (pretend that the
          .word sub2                  # addresses are filled in at run-time).
          .globl   sub1               # Pretend that this subroutine is loaded
          .text                       # into memory only after the main routine
sub1:     li       $v0,4              # has started running, and that its entry
          la       $a0,messH          # point is then filled into the jump table.
          jr       $ra
messH:    .asciiz  "Hello "

          .globl   sub2               # The second subroutine works the same
          .text                       # as the first.
sub2:     li       $v0,4
          la       $a0,messW
          jr       $ra
messW:    .asciiz  "World\n"

Pretend that at first only main and its jump table are loaded into memory, and that the jump table is full of zeros. Then, later on, the program calls the first subroutine. At that time, the operating system pauses the program, loads the subroutine into memory, and puts its address into the jump table. The program then resumes running.

Now the subroutine is called using the jump table. The instruction

lw  $t0,jtable  # call sub1

loads the first address of the jump table into $t0 . Then the jalr instruction calls it.

Later on the process is repeated with the second subroutine. The instruction

lw  $t0,jtable+4  # call sub2

loads the second address of the jump table into $t0 . The jtable+4 means to use the address that is four bytes away from the symbolic address jtable.


Could several running programs share the same dynamic library?

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