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        # create the remaining nodes in a counting loop
        li      $s2, 2          # counter = 2
        li      $s3, 8          # upper limit
loop:   bgtu    $s2, $s3,done   # while (counter <= limit )
        # create a node 
          .  .  .  .  .
        addi    $s2, $s2, 1      # counter++
        b       loop
        # end the list

First Loop Iteration

# On entry to the loop:  $s1 points to the first node
loop:   bgtu    $s2,$s3,done      # while (counter <= limit )
        # create a node 
        li      $v0,9             # allocate memory
        li      $a0,8             # 8 bytes
        syscall                   # $v0 <-- address
        # link this node to the previous node
                                  # $s1 = &(previous node)
        sw      $v0,4($s1)        # copy address of the new node
                                  # into the previous node
        # make the new node the current node
        move    $s1,$v0
        # initialize the new node
        sw      $s2,0($s1)        # save the counter as 
                                  # the current nodes data

        addi    $s2,$s2,1         # counter++
        b       loop

First Node of Eight         Second Node of Eight

Now put a loop body inside the counting loop. The loop body attaches one node to the current end of the list.

The first iteration of the loop adds the second node. The first picture shows this just as the loop body starts, followed by the picture just as the loop body ends.

Other than the fact that the code is inside a loop, this is just as before. Look at the code and the picture to see how they match.


At the top of the loop, which is the current node?

At the bottom of the loop, which is the current node?

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