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Different Bit Patterns

The floating point scheme used to represent numbers is different from the two's complement scheme. Here, for example is a program with a data section that uses both schemes.

##  twoOnes.asm
af:     .float  1.0
ai:     .word   1

Here is what QtSpim shows for the data section:

Float and Int One

The two bit patterns (starting addresses 10010000 and 10010004) are completely different even though they represent the value one.

Here is more of the program:

##  twoOnes.asm
        .globl main
main:   lw      $s0,af              # get a one
        lw      $s1,ai              # get another one
        add     $s2,$s0,$s1         # 1 + 1 = ??

af:     .float  1.0
ai:     .word   1


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