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By four.

Integer Array

Here is nearly the same program as before, except that now the program adds up the integers in an array of full words (32 bits).

Because each cell of the array is 4 bytes, the array index register is increased by 4 in each iteration of the loop. The logic is the same as before.

        .globl  main

        li    $v1,0               # zero the sum
        li    $t1,          # init index to ???
        li    $t2,0               # init loop counter
for:    beq   $t2,5,endfor        # for ( i=0; i < 5 ;i++ )

        addu  $v1,$v1,$v0         #     sum = sum+array[i]
        addi  $t1,$t1,       #     increment index
        addi  $t2,$t2,       #     increment counter
        b     for
        li    $v0,10              # exit

array:  .word  1,2,3,-5,1


Just fill in the blanks and you have a working program!

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