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No assumptions are necessary. It tests if two bit patterns are identical.

Natural If-Else Structure

# If val is even, add it to $t2
# else, add the value to $t1
        lw    $t0,val          # $t0 has the value
        andi  $t8,$t0,1        # one's place in $t8 is zero or one
          $t8,odd      # if even
                               # {
        addu  $t2,$t2,$t0      #     add to $t2
        b     endif            # }
odd:                           # else
        addu  $t1,$t1,$t0      #     add to $t1
endif:  nop


val:   .word  37

When a branch statement is used to test a condition, the statements that follow it are skipped when the condition is True.

This is the opposite of high-level languages. With them, an if-statement is immediately followed by the statements that correspond to "true". Watch out for this problem when you are coding. Careful documentation helps.

An unconditional branch instruction is used at the bottom of the true branch to skip around the false branch.

(In this chapter, the SPIM simulator has been set so that delayed branches are OFF and delayed loading is OFF, so no-ops are not included in this program fragment.)


Fill in the blank by choosing the correct branch instruction (refer to the previous table).

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