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See below.

Complete Program

The program is complete and can be copied into your program editor for running and play. Remember in the SPIM settings to allow pseudoinstructions and to load the trap handler file.

## rest.asm
## Total restaurant bill calculator
## Register Use:
##    $s0 meal cost 
##    $s1 tip rate
##    $s2 tax rate
##    $s3 total rate
##    $s4 tax+tip dollars
##    $s5 total bill

        .globl  main

        # Get meal cost
main:   li      $v0,4            # print prompt
        la      $a0,prompt   
        li      $v0,5            # input meal cost
        move    $s0,$v0          # save it in $s0

        # Calculations
        lw      $s1,tip          # get tip rate
        lw      $s2,tax          # get tax rate
        addu    $s3,$s1,$s2      # (tax + tip) in percent
        mul     $s4,$s0,$s3      # mealcost*(total rate)
        div     $s4,$s4,100      # mealcost*(total rate)/100 
        addu    $s5,$s0,$s4      # total bill

        # Output
        li      $v0,4            # print string
        la      $a0,head1        # "tax plus tip"

        move    $a0,$s4          # get tax+tip
        li      $v0,1            # print integer
        syscall                  # 

        li      $v0,4            # print string
        la      $a0,head2        # "total cost"

        move    $a0,$s5          # get total
        li      $v0,1            # print integer
        syscall                  # 

        li      $v0,10           # exit

tip:    .word   15               # tip rate in percent
tax:    .word    8               # tax rate in percent

prompt: .asciiz "Enter food cost: "
head1 : .asciiz "   Tax plus tip: "
head2 : .asciiz "\n     Total cost: "

The program has three sections. The sections are reflected in the documentation.

#data input

This is a common design pattern. Keep the phases of a computation together.

This design scheme fits many situations. In a big program, the three stages might each be implemented as a subroutine.

Each subroutine could be designed and tested separately.


What is the bit pattern in register $t1 after the following:

li   $t0,0x12345678
sll  $t1,$t0,8

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