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See below.

Complete Program

Here, is the complete program suitable for running. The data in the array has been simplified to make testing easier. Study how the code matches the flow chart.

integer array flow chart
## addIntArray.asm
## Sum all integers, the positive integers,
## and the negative integers in an array.

## Registers:
##  $8 -- count
##  $9 -- pointer to the array entry
## $10 -- current array entry
## $11 -- sum of all integers
## $12 -- sum of negative integers
## $13 -- sum of positive integers
## $14 -- pos. or neg. flag
## $15 -- length of the array

         .globl  main
# Initialize
main:    ori      $8,$0,0        #  count = 0
         ori      $11,$0,0       #  sum = 0
         ori      $12,$0,0       #  neg = 0
         ori      $13,$0,0       #  pos = 0
         lui      $9,0x1000      #  point at SIZE

         lw       $15,0($9)      #  get SIZE
         addiu    $9,$9,4        #  point to first entry

# while  count < SIZE do
loop:    beq      $8,$15,done 
         sll      $0,$0,0        #  branch delay

# get entry, add to sum
         lw       $10,0($9)      #  get entry
         sll      $0,$0,0        #  load delay
         addu     $11,$11,$10    #  add to sum

#  test neg. or pos.
         slti     $14,$10,0x0    #  set $14 if entry is neg
         bne      $14,$0,neg     #  branch if negative
         sll      $0,$0,0        #  branch delay
         addu     $13,$13,$10    #  positive: add to PLUS
         j        ifend
         sll      $0,$0,0        #  branch delay

neg:     addu     $12,$12,$10    #  negative: add to NEG

ifend:   addiu    $8,$8,1        # count++
         addiu    $9,$9,4        # point at next entry
         j        loop
         sll      $0,$0,0        #  branch delay

# finish
done:    sll      $0,$0,0        # target for branch

size:   .word  4
array:  .word  1, 2, -2, -1


With the testing data (in the above program), what values are computed for the three sums?