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The complete program is below.

Complete Program

string length flow chart
## strlen.asm
## Count the characters in a string
## Registers:
##  $8 -- count
##  $9 -- pointer to the char
## $10 -- the char (in low order byte)

         .globl  main
# Initialize
main:    ori      $8,$0,0        #  count = 0
         lui      $9,0x1000      #  point at first char

# while not ch==null do
loop:    lbu      $10,0($9)      # get the char
         sll      $0,$0,0        # branch delay
         beq      $10,$0,done    # exit loop if char == null
         sll      $0,$0,0        # branch delay

         addiu    $8,$8,1        # count++
         addiu    $9,$9,1        # point at the next char

         j        loop
         sll      $0,$0,0        # branch delay slot

# finish
done:    sll      $0,$0,0        # target for branch

string:  .asciiz  "Time is the ghost of space."

The base register is "moved" through the string by increasing the address by one for each byte. This is also called "moving a pointer". This program has an important concept on every line. Using these concepts is how you program!

The program is very close to the C standard library function int strlen(char*). As it is written, the program contains its own data, and it is not written as a function that can be called. In a few chapters, we will write functions that can be called and that use parameters.


Does the program work correctly if the string is the null string (the string of length zero that consists of just a null byte)?

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