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See below.

Second Term

## poly.asm  
## evaluate  5x^2 -12x + 97 
## Register Use:
## $10 base register, address of x
## $11 x
## $12 value of the polynomial
## $13 temporary

        .globl  main

        lui   $10,0x1000     #  Init base register
        lw    $11,0($10)     #  Load x

        ori   $12,$0,97      #  Initialize the accumulator
                             #  during the "load delay slot"

        ori   $13,$0,12      #  evaluate second term
        mult  $,$   #  12x
          $13            #  assume 32 bit result
        subu  $,$,$    #  accumulator = -12x +97

       ....   more instructions

        sw    $12,4($10)     #  Store result in poly

x:      .word   17           # base register points here 
poly:   .word   0

## End of file

Since SPIM starts the data section at 0x10000000, register $10 can be loaded with the first address of the data section using the lui instruction. The low order sixteen bits of the address are all zero. The address of x is an offset of zero from that base address.

The location for the result is at an offset of four from the base address.

Now fill in the blanks so that the second term is evaluated and added to the accumulator.


Fill in the blanks.

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