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The answer is below.

Completed Program

Here is the completed program. Only two registers are needed. Register $9 is used to accumulate the result in several steps.

## newMult.asm
## Program to calculate 5*x - 74
## Register Use:
##  $8   x
##  $9   result

        .globl  main

        ori      $8, $0, 12       # put x into $8
        ori      $9, $0,  5       # put 5 into $9
        mult     $9, $8           # lo = 5x
        mflo     $9               # $9 = 5x
        addiu    $9, $9,-74       # $9 = 5x - 74

## End of file


What does the "u" mean in each of the following instructions:

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