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Example Program

Here is a program that does that. There are better ways to load a register with a negative integer. However, this is a nice example of bit manipulation.

## handMadeNeg.asm
## Program to demonstrate two's complement negative
## The program adds +146 to -82, leaving the result in $10

        .globl  main

        ori      $7, $0, 146        # put +146 into $7
        ori      $8, $0,  82        # put 82 into $8
        nor      $8, $8,  $0        # reflect the bits for 82
        ori      $9, $0,   1        # add 1: 
        addu     $8, $8,  $9        # $8 now contains -82 in two's comp
        addu    $10, $7,  $8        # (+146) + (-82)

## End of file


146 - 82 = ?       in hex = ?

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